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Complete Dairy Milk
The Complete Dairy team are committed to providing a balanced range of nutritious products to Australians every day. Our range of products have been developed with this in mind, to provide Australians with nutritious milk options that would fit into a balanced diet. See below our responses to questions you might have about protein.
Complete Dairy High Protein Milk
Complete Dairy High Protein milk is an all-natural, high protein, lower lactose milk. There's nothing artificial and definitely no powders. Regular full cream milk typically has approximately 3.4g protein per 100ml, whereas Complete Dairy High Protein milk has a minimum of 6g per 100ml
(or 15g per 250ml serve). Complete Dairy High Protein milk is 25% lower in lactose compared to regular full cream milk which contains 4.8% lactose.
Complete Dairy High Protein milk can generally be swapped for regular milk .
- The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend that children under two consume regular fat milk
- For people with specific queries or medical conditions, seek the advice of a health care professional.
Protein is an essential nutrient for healthy body function, such as muscle and bone health. Like all nutrients, protein intake should form part of a healthy balanced diet. For individualised advice please consult your health care professional
Getting the right amount of protein every day is essential for maintaining health and wellbeing, with increased requirements for children's growth and development and healthy ageing. Consuming protein as part of a health balanced diet through products like The Complete Dairy High Protein milk can help with:
- - Optimising growth and development in children
- - Building and repairing muscle and body tissue
- - Maintaining strong bones
We use a filtration process which naturally increases the protein while decreasing the lactose levels. It's a completely natural process, made only with fresh milk, with no added powders and nothing artificial
Complete Dairy High Protein milk tastes like and can be used like regular milk; on breakfast cereal, in tea, coffee and smoothies or as a refreshing cool drink by itself.
Yes. Complete Dairy High Protein milk is suitable for hot beverages including tea and coffee.
You can purchase Complete Dairy from select Coles and Woolworths stores in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. Complete Dairy can also be found at select Drakes and Foodland stores in South Australia.